About Us

We are total boost fanatics. It doesn’t matter whether you turbo a lawn mower, moped, go-kart, motorcycle, import, domestic, airplane, boat, we think it’s just simply fun.

Contact Us

For questions, comments, inquiries, or just want to show us your sweet project, we have super friendly staff:


TurboKeychains LLC
120 S. Houghton Rd.
Ste 138, PMB 324
Tucson, AZ 85748


Q. When did the Turbo Keychain emerge?
A. Turbo Keychain History timeline.

Q. I think I have a defect, how does warranty work?
A. Please contact us!  All ball bearing keychains generally have an extended warranty  already (current models are TK10-R, TK10-S, previous models are BB2 and GE family).  It’s not bumper-to-bumper warranty if damaged from abuse obviously (just like if you crash your brand new car, the dealer will not give you a new one).  Within the United States, we will cover return shipping.  International customers must cover return shipping.  Replacement units are shipped out via lowest cost method.  Obviously we try our best to field test new designs to eliminate all the bugs before they go into production, but sometimes there could be a chance of an unforeseen issue on early shipped units.  If you have a defect, we’d like them returned for a full failure analysis.  If you’re interested in field testing prototypes that will not be available to the general public for several months, please contact us.  All prior TurboKeychains customers may be randomly selected to field test a prototype (free of charge of course).

Q. I placed an order, when will my product arrive?
A. We ship products same or next business day. Domestic orders typically take 2-3 business days to arrive. We ship internationally to selected countries.  For others, use a forwarding service such as http://www.shipito.com , our packages are usually 6x9x1 bubble mailers, each keychain is about 3oz in weight.  Alternatively, you may order from our International Distributors.

Q. What is “Mega Spin” technology?
A. All USA KCT-11RS’s shipped until 3-23-2010 have an improved main bearing to minimize shaft play and included thrust bearing to promote effortless spin with drastically increasing the turbo spooling sound. This corrected the issue of impeller wobble at faster speeds. Mega Spin has been superseded by ball bearing technology.

Q. What is “Sleeve Bearing” technology?
A. KCT-11RS2 is the latest in the RS product family. The impeller shaft has been replaced with a smooth center pin instead of a screw which the impeller rotates on, and is held in with a C-Clip. Spin rates average around 10,000 RPMs and some do have a little compressor wobble. There is a totally new one-piece backplate that eliminates the center chain screw, plus a much stronger chain. The backplate is bolted to the housing in 5 places. This is the ultimate budget turbo keychain.

Q. What is “Twin Shield Ball Bearing” technology?
A. All USA KCT-11BB/BB2 (released after 03-23-2010) include an integrated high precision chrome steel twin shield ball bearing. This entirely eliminates shaft play and allows bidirectional rotation. Spin rates are certified to a minimum of 35,000(55,000 for BB2) RPMS @ 3psi. Design limits is 75,000 RPMS. Break-in not required, they’ve already been run tested at 75,000 RPMs. All GE-S1 “Race” V3 used dual ball bearings and lightweight 3D printed wheels that allow even faster more stable spin rates. All GE-S2 have dual ball bearings. Use caution and wear eye protection when attaching to compressed air, impeller speeds can quickly exceed 90,000+ RPMs @ .5 BAR. During stress testing catastrophic impeller breakup occurs between .5 – 1BAR of pressure (7-14.5psi). Warranty due to abuse is not covered, such as impeller over speed, bearing submerged under fluids, etc.. Please use common sense.

Q. What is “Twin Shield Ceramic Ball Bearing” technology?
A. All USA KCT-11LE include an integrated high precision expensive chrome steel twin shields with ceramic ball bearings. Spin rates are certified to sustain 105,000 RPMS @ 3psi. Break-in not required, these units already been run tested exceeding 175,000 RPMs. Ceramic bearings are extremely light weight which reduces rotational mass, thus reduces friction, heat, energy loss, and warpage that can lead to bearing failure. Any ball bearing keychain can be upgraded to a ceramic bearing upon request for an additional charge.

Q. Are the RPM’s listed on the spec card for real?
A. Yes. Every KCT-11BB/BB2 is tested with about 3psi and the RPM’s are recorded with each individual keychain. When air is injected and strikes each blade it generates an audio compression wave. The waves are analyzed in real-time, math is applied to convert the pulses per second into actual RPMs. Most keychains average around 60,000 RPMs during test.

Q. Where can I get an authentic KCT-11BB2 or GE-S2 keychain with integrated ball bearings?
A. Only from this website and a few elite distributors. Most ebay and Amazon listings are cloned versions of the older non-bearing or sleeve bearing design with inferior quality, even though they may show our product photos and use our descriptions.  It’s cool they’re trying, and a clone may be appropriate for the Yugo set of keys, but don’t get caught with one, people will point and laugh…. and that’ll probably end up on YouTube.

Q. I ran too much pressure and by impeller/bearing exploded, can I get replacement parts?
A. Contact support, it depends upon the model. A new backplate assembly may be required.  Prior GE-S1’s are upgradable to GE-S2.

Q. Is this a real turbocharger?
A. No, it’s a keychain.

Q. Does this keychain turbo have moving parts?
A. Yes, it has a spinning impeller. The new GE Series contains a spinning impeller and turbine with interconnected shaft, just insane.

Q. Does this Turbo keychain require lubrication?
A. No. But if you want mad crazy spin rates a light oil such as WD-40 works fine. AeroShell AF2,AF3, or turbine oil is good and used in many aircraft instruments with high speed gyros. We have developed a ultra lightweight oil (uLo) about half the viscosity of AF2 and maintains consistent viscosity over a wider temperature range, it’s slightly above 6cSt.

Q. Can I take apart my turbo keychain?
A. Yes, on the KCT-11RS2 and KCT-11BB2 just unscrew the 5 bolts on the backplate. You can then “modify” your impeller and hone out/port your compressor housing with a Dremel to allow greater CFM airflow. If you lose or over torque a screw contact us. The center hex bolt and bearing are permanently pressed-in with precision and adhered to the backplate and is not designed to be removed. In order to disassemble the GE-S1/GE-S2, you must start by removing the turbine, then hot side housing (3 bolts), then backplate(5 bolts).

Q. Will this give me more horsepower?
A. Probably not. But you can tell people you have a turbo and technically you wouldn’t be lying.

Q. What is this specification card that was shipped with my keychain turbo?
A. We think that’s cool too.  It shows authenticity from TurboKeychains.com direct purchase.

Q. Can I purchase these in bulk?
A. Yes, please contact sales@turbokeychains.com to make sure we have enough inventory.

Q. What is the GE-Series Turbo keychains?
A. It’s the Grant Ever’s Series. A new high end addition to the current turbo keychain portfolio that includes a hot side. Both turbine and impeller are interconnected with ball bearings.

Q. Why do the GE-S1/GE-S2/TK10 keychains frequently run out of stock?
A. We hand assemble a maxiumum of 10 per day. It’s a lengthy process similar to hand building a high end exotic vehicle. Each GE unit has a serial number engraved inside the backplate that correlates to the Turbo Spec Card.

Q. How do I decode the GE-S1/GE-S2 serial number?
A. 1st digit = Year; 2nd & 3rd digit = Month; 4th-6th digit = number. For example: 111023 = 2011/11 Unit 023 of that year (2011); 206624 = 2012/06 624th unit of 2012; 207A35 = 2012/07 Unit #1035; 208B99 = 2012/08 Unit #1199; 212Z85 = 2012/12 Unit #3585

Q. What happened to the old website?
A. That was from the 1990’s.  We’ve upgraded to the early 2000’s if you haven’t noticed from the gradient background in product images.